Revolutionize the property discovery

Find properties of your interest faster.

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Everything you need

All-in-one platform

Have the tools you need to help you decide on your property purchase effectively.

Have more insights into local market
Have all the calculations you need with ease through your preferred property listing portal
Compare your shortlisted properties side by side across multiple platforms
Streamline communication with just a click
Access a curated list of financing brokers for your convenience


“I've been searching for my dream home for months, and Property Hunter has made the process so much easier. The platform allows me to compare properties side by side and filter my search by location, price, and size. Plus, the inclusion of vetted professionals for mortgage and conveyance assistance is a game-changer.”

Brenna Goyette

“As a real estate agent, the agent automation feature on Property Hunter has been a lifesaver. It saves me so much time by responding to common questions and managing my interactions with clients more efficiently.”

Leslie Alexander

“The search process for properties can be overwhelming, but Property Hunter has made it so much easier. The ability to search across multiple marketplaces and compare properties side by side has saved me so much time and energy.”

Tom Cook

“The customer support on Property Hunter is excellent. The team is responsive, helpful, and always willing to go above and beyond to assist me.”

Lindsay Walton

“I was hesitant to pay for a subscription service, but the advanced features on Property Hunter have been worth every penny. The ability to access a network of vetted mortgage brokers through the platform has been invaluable in helping me acquire a mortgage.”

Michael Foster

“Property Hunter provided me with important local information that I wouldn't have found otherwise. The data on schools, crime rates, and other factors really helped me make an informed decision on where to purchase my property.”

Dries Vincent

“I've been working with the property conveyancers on Property Hunter, and they have been fantastic. They are knowledgeable, professional, and have made the legal transfer of ownership process so much smoother.”

Leonard Krasner

“I was impressed with the security measures that Property Hunter has in place. The use of secure servers and encryption technology to protect my payment details gave me peace of mind when using the platform.”

Floyd Miles

“I'm a developer, and Property Hunter has been a great platform to promote my properties to a wider audience. The collaboration with real estate agents and developers has helped me reach new clients and network.”

Emily Selman